Project Management
Henrie, Morgan and Oliver Hedgepeth. Knowledge Transfer Challenges:
Project Management Training In Emergent Nations. Project Management Global Congress, EMEA. May 23-25, Edinburgh, 2005.
Henrie, Morgan. Project Management’ Soft Systems Cultural Literary Review. IIE Annual Conference, May 14-18, Atlanta 2005. (Best Paper Award).
Hedgepeth, Oliver and Morgan Henrie. Transitional Nation Project Management Challenges, A Russian Far East View.International Project Management Association World Congress. June 19-20. Cross Cultural Networking. Budapest, 2004.
Henrie, Morgan. Project Management: A Sociotechnical Cultural Literary ReviewAmerican Society of Engineering Management, 25th National Conference. October 20-23. Managing in a Dangerous World. Alexandria, VA. 2004. pp. 695-702.
Hedgepeth, Oliver, Morgan Henrie and Christa Connors. Comparison of Russian Far East and Alaskan Project Management.International Project Management Association World Congress. June 4-6. Project Oriented Business and Society. Moscow. 2003.
Hedgepeth, Oliver and Morgan Henrie. Current State of Russian Far East Project Management.Portland Management Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. July 20-24. Technology Management for Reshaping the World. Portland, OR. 2003.
Henrie, Morgan and Oliver Hedgepeth. In Review. Project Management Challenges in International Joint Ventures: Observations from a Russian Far East Venture. Submitted to Engineering Management Journal.
Henrie, Morgan and Rafael Landaeta. Building Crisis Management Capabilities in Projects. Accepted. 26th American Society of Engineering Management, National Conference October 26-29. Organizational Transformation Opportunities and Challenges. Virginia Beach, VA. 2005.
Hedgepeth, Oliver and Morgan Henrie. Exploring Cultural Implications of Teaching Logistics and Project Management in the Russian Far East. Academic Business World. June 30 – July 1, Nashville, TN, 2005 (Best Paper Award, Accepted for Publication in The Journal of Learning in Higher Education, Fall 2005).
Hedgepeth, Oliver and Morgan Henrie. Russian Far East Project Issues: A Definitive Survey of Logistics and Project Management Need.,American Society of Engineering Management, 25th National Conference. October 20-23. Managing in a Dangerous World. Alexandria, VA. 2004. pp. 683-694.
Hedgepeth, Oliver and Morgan Henrie. How Logistics and Project Management Are Changing the Russian Far East. American Society of Engineering Management, National Conference. October 15-18. Managing Technology In a Dynamic World. St. Louis, MO. 2003. pp. 433-438.
Leak Detection
Carpenter, Philip, Ed Nicholas and Morgan Henrie. Developing Probabilistic Performance Maps for Pipeline Leak Detection Systems. Oil & Gas Journal. March 2004. pp. 53-58.
Nicholas, Ed, Philip Carpenter and Morgan Henrie. Accurately Representing Leak Detection Capability and Determining Risk. Accepted. Pipeline Simulation Interest Group. Oct. 26-28, In Tune with Technology. New Orleans. 2005.
Systems of Systems
Mun, Ji Hyon, Morgan Henrie, Yaneth Correa, Charles Keating, and Andres Sousa-Poza. Development of a System-of-Systems Engineering Method. IIE Annual Conference, May 14-18, Atlanta 2005.
Henrie, Morgan, Charles Keating, and Rafael Landaeta. Project Management: A Systems-of-Systems Discussion. Accepted. 19th International Project Management Association World Congress. Nov. 13-16. Vision to Reality – the project management way. New Delhi. 2005.
Henrie, Morgan and Kenneth Hanks. Training Simulator Used to Design New SCADA System. Pipeline & Gas Journal. February 1997. pp. 48-51.
Hedgepeth, Oliver and Morgan Henrie. Russian Far East Business Ware Games: The Praxis of a Business War Game to Detect Tensions in Knowledge Structures of Russia. The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organisatons, The Management Conference 2004. August 3-6. Knowledge and Culture - Organisational Intangibles and their Tangible Value. University of Greenwich, London. 2004. (Accepted for publication International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management Volume 4, 2005).
Henrie, Morgan and Oliver Hedgepeth. In Knowledge Management One Size Doesn’t Fit All.American Society of Engineering Management National Conference. October 2-5. Engineering Management In the Global Environments. Tampa, FL. 2002. pp. 153-161.
Henrie, Morgan. Pipeline Training Simulator for Trans Alaska Pipeline – Alyeska Pipeline. March 23-26. ENTELEC ’97. New Orleans, LA. 1997.
Henrie, Morgan. Doctoral Student/Candidate Publication Etiquette Authorship Literature Review and Guideline. Accepted. 26th American Society of Engineering Management, National Conference October 26-29. Organizational Transformation Opportunities and Challenges. Virginia Beach, VA. 2005.